Travel Photo 317539

GPS Location
Mar 17, 2024 9:20am
The Wild Atlantic Way. We hit the road at 6am for a very long drive from Kinsale to Galway. We stopped at the Cliffs of Moher and they didn’t disappoint! Truly spectacular!!! The weather was wild, cold, rainy and we could hardly stand up in the strong wind but it only added to the beauty of the cliffs 🤩

Sue & Pauls jaunt from Perth to Ireland to Bath UK for Zoe & Bens wedding in Bath UK 14 March - 25 March 2024

Mar 14 - 22, 2024
Hello! Hope you enjoy our blog as we dash around Ireland in 6 days. Then on to the main event in Bath UK to our neice Zoe’s marriage to Ben.. Happy days!

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